Healthy furniture for sleeping

21 / 11 / 2024

The Panel Discussion on Sleeping. Healthy Furniture – Long Life took palce within the conference programme of Mebel 2024. It was organised by EXPOCENTRE AO in partnership with the Russian Society of Cardiology.  

The panel discussion was moderated by Anastasia Tanicheva, Executive Director of the Russian Society of Cardiology. She defined the purpose of the meeting as a search for points of contact between medicine and manufacturers to create furniture that will help to improve the quality of sleep, which will have a favourable effect on people's health.

The Russian Society of Cardiology is a research public organisation in the field of cardiology. It studies methods of treatment and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. It analyses and summarises the experience of treatment of cardiac diseases in Russia and the world, analyses the achievements of science in the field of cardiology, carries out educational work among cardiologists in Russia, and issues medical recommendations on the treatment of cardiac diseases.

The panel participants discussed the main topic, which was how the business community could interact with professional medical associations to solve the task of health saving of the Russian nation. Medical experts – somnologists and cardiologists – gave manufacturers effective advice on how furniture could improve the quality of sleep and suggested new ways of cooperation.

Experts of the discussion included Ludmila Korostovtseva, researcher of the somnology group at the Research Institute of Arterial Hypertension of Almazov National Medical Centre, Elena Konvisar, author of the EXPO School, business tracker, marketing consultant, business psychologist, and Anton Balakirev, Vice-president of the Russian League of Massage Therapists, Vice-president of the Association of Clinical Rehabilitation Therapists of the Russian Federation.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO 
