Event program
2nd Russian Conference of Furniture Manufacturers
Oleg Bocharov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia
A. Shestakov, CEO, 1MF (First Furniture Factory)
Timur Irtuganov, Director General of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia
S. Radchenko, member of the Supervisory Council of Angstrem Group
S. Zmievsky, President of Almaz OOO (Lyubimy Dom)
A. Mikhailov, CEO of MK Felix
A. Kurbansho, CEO of Kronospan
A. Kylych, CEO of Kastamonu Integrated Wood Industry
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Furniture Retail Fest
11:00–11:30 Figures and analysis: the furniture sector online. Dynamics. Trends. Forecasts
11:30–12:30 Plenary discussion on FURNITURE E-COMMERCE.
Online shops, marketplaces or aggregators?
12:30–13:00 OZON and Buyson: a history of cooperation
13:00–13:30 Hoff: Hoff: an endless shop window or a private club?
13:30–14:00 SberMegaMarket and its strategies for developing furniture and home goods categories
14:30–15:00 Furniture and home products group on Yandex.Market. Figures and cases
15:00–15:30 Universal digitalisation: how to take the valuable experience of global companies and apply it effectively to the furniture industry?
16:00–18:00 Avito's big masterclass
Organised by FCProject, EXPOCENTRE AO
Ergonomics of small flats and studio flats. Transformation possibilities
Speaker: Yulia Sharapova, interior designer, head of the CHTD design studio, author of an educational project on layouts
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Discussion of Russian furniture design: identity and product
Discussion of Russian furniture design: identity and product
The discussion will bring together industrial, furniture, interior and environmental designers to discuss the future of the furniture industry. Rethinking the design code: how to convey Russian identity in furniture design to a modern consumer and launch new design solutions into mass production in a competitive market.
Moderated by Aleksandra Bobretsova, project head of Design Factory
Aleksey Sibilev, founder of the functional design furniture brand BELSI
Tatiana Artyakova, CEO of the MDeHouse Russian designer furniture manufacturer
Vitaly Stavitsky, President of the Russian Designers Association
Ivan Basov, curator of the Furniture Design programme and preparatory department of the Interior Design programme at the British Higher School of Art and Design
Winners of the Design Factory competition for Furniture and Environment
Organised by the Russian Designers Association, Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
The work of a designer amidst sanctions
Speaker: Zhenya Zhdanova, interior designer, one of the top designers in Russia, author of the Dream House and the Children’s Rooms of Your Dreams books
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Meeting on furnished flats with representatives of construction companies
A. Shestakov, CEO of 1MF (First Furniture Factory)
Timur Irtuganov, Director General of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia
S. Radchenko, member of the Supervisory Council of Angstrem Group
Representative of Samolet Group
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Meeting on the problems in the Russian board and plywood market. Export development
V. Khmyrova, Director of the Department of Light Industry and Forestry Complex of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
A. Kylych, CEO of Kastamonu Integrated Wood Industry
A. Nachkebiya, CEO of Tomlesdrev
A. Ushakov, Sales Director of Swiss Krono
S. Serov, Business Development Director of EGGER Drevproduct Shuya
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Panel discussion of risks and opportunities of the furniture business in the current environment. Anti-crisis solutions to reduce the cost of declaration (certification), effective tools for sourcing products, materials and components
Yulia Vasiltsun, Head of Internal Compliance of ROSTEST AO
Oleg Khitrov, Deputy Head of the Management Systems and Inspection Department, member of the ROSTEST Expert Council
Yulia Aleksandrova, Deputy Head at the ROSTEST-Moscow Certification Body, Chair of the ROSTEST Expert Council
HoReCa: the principles of restaurant interior design from mini to maxi
Speaker: Ekaterina Dyatlova, interior designer, head of the ECO Design studio, author of restaurant projects including those included in the MICHELIN guide
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Application of the SCRUM project management methodology in the furniture industry
Polina Vyalova, Head of Scrum Team
Organised by E1 Furniture Company, EXPOCENTRE AO
The psychology of colour perception in interiors
Speaker: Zoya Ti, designer, colour psychology expert, trend analyst
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
How to retain and motivate staff in difficult times
Four motivation models for production staff
Sergey Shigin, Executive Director of ARISTO
Techniques for engaging sales and production staff in driving change and improving performance. How to unleash the creativity of employees and improve the manageability of a company
Natalia Bogdanova, owner of Mama
Buyer’s motivation in changing markets: uncertainty and declining incomes
Inna Romanova, category management and marketing expert
Remuneration systems for situations where you have to combine several positions at once. Approaches, cases, ready-made payment schemes in furniture companies
Sergey Aleksandrov, author of five books for the furniture business and creator of the largest knowledge base, CEO of the International Furniture Consultancy Centre
Organised by the International Furniture Consultancy Centre, EXPOCENTRE AO
Furniture Retail Fest
Topic of the Day: DEALER’S DAY
10:30–11:00 Figures and analytics: how have we produced and sold furniture since 2022?
11:00–11:30 Plenary discussion on the supplier vs. dealer issue. Red lines?
11:30–12:00 Furniture store franchise: product zoning
12:00–12:30 Seven deadly sins of a furniture retailer
13:30–14:00 Orimex: a new product in the world of furniture franchises
14:00–15:00 Expert session: when IKEA went away?
15:00–15:30 Which furniture stores are worth opening in 2023
15:30–16:00 Buyer triggers
16:00–16:30 How Avito can help the regional furniture trade
Organised by FCProject, EXPOCENTRE AO
Floor-plan: new laws, life hacks and case studies
Speaker: Natalia Solo, designer, regular participant in interior TV projects, founder of the Planirovka Plus studio
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
RESTART: How is the Russian Furniture Market Adapting to the New Reality
Nadezhda Alyamkina, Head of Hoff Marketplace Department,
Eduard Romanovsky, Development Director of Mebelik
Oleg Retanov, CEO of Kvaik Group (the Medved furniture stores)
Organised by KVK Imperia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Home staging: how to prepare a flat for sale or rent
Speaker: Nina Vanchugova, home-stager, founder of the Air studio
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Panel on Made in Russia. How young product designers are conquering Russian retail
Speakers: Denis and Evgeniya Dianov, founders of the Woodled brand
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
WOW effects in design
Speaker: Sergey Tregubov, interior designer, founder of the IROOM DESIGN studio, TV presenter of a personal blog in the School of Repair project
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Project bundling: three types of work of manufacturers and suppliers with interior designers
Speaker: Alexey Verkhovod, interior designer, blogger, speaker at design events, author of expert articles and methodological materials, founder of a design studio
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Flats with interior finishing: decorative techniques for working with space from my own experience
Speaker: Natalia Vlasenko, interior designer since 2000, decorator
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Furniture Retail Fest
10:30–11:00 Figures and analysis: the most promising furniture niches in 2022
11:00–12:00 Plenary discussion of niche furniture markets
12:00–12:30 Mod Interiors: how to make money from the luxury group. Warehouse programme to help dealers
12:30–13:00 NLT Trade: light in the store
14:00–15:30 Rekana furniture workshops:
– Product in demand: what kind of furniture does the market need today? Tips for manufacturers
– Betting on expertise: how the right package of competencies opens up new niches for a furniture retailer?
15:30–17:00 The CLADER story: how did we find our niche? From dealership to a special business idea and complete transformation of the company
Organised by FCProject, EXPOCENTRE AO
Meeting Point. Furniture+Design
11:00–11:45 Vastu for the furniture business
Marina Kurochkina, public and residential interior designer, Vastu expert, creator of the Vastu for Yourself course
11:45–12:30 Functionality and materials in the production of furniture for a demanding customer
Angelina Safronova, designer engineer, art director of her own design studio Resource Interiors
12:30–13:15 Furniture as art. Developing a company's brand and entering the premium segment
Irina Bogatikova, designer, founder of an integral design theory, contemporary art expert
13:15–14:30 Where to look for a client in a crisis
Nikolay Neledov, furniture expert, expert in non-standard tasks, participant in The ABC of Renovation TV show
14:30–15:15 How to woo a designer. Developing your brand and attracting new partners
Yury Vorobyov, architectural designer, expert in creating conceptual interiors, lecturer at VISUAL SCHOOL
15:15–16:00 Import substitution: what furniture companies can offer design studios in today's realities
Irina Dubinina, Natalia Dubinina, interior designers, founders of the Di interior design studio
Organised by the Union of Designers and Architects, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Panel on import substitution, including project presentations of critical components for the furniture industry and the wood industry (fittings, fabrics, chemicals)
Representative of the Department of Light Industry and Forestry Complex of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
Timur Irtuganov, Director General of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia
I. Golub, head of the project office of the Agency of Technological Development
A. Ismailov, Center of Digital Technologies AO
N. Kudenkova, Head of the Consumer Goods Sector at the Aluminium Association
Yu. Sidorina, Sales Head of Felix OOO
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Designer uniqueness
Speaker: Stanislav Orekhov, designer, 3D artist, head of a design studio, creator of an interior design training school, creator of an online channel on current issues in business and design
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Conference on Secondary Vocational Education involving sectoral colleges, the Russian Ministry of Education
D. Tuzov, head of department of College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No.26
V. Zaynutdinov, head of a training workshop of Moscow Industry College
Representative of Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies
E. Soboleva, Angstrem
L. Prischenko, head of a training centre, Felix OOO
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Kitchen: what I want / what I can afford. New products from Milan vs Russian-made products
Speaker: Tatiana Skvortsova, head of the Deni-Art furniture and design studio, professional furniture production technologist, winner of furniture competitions
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Russian meeting of sectoral qualifications assessment centres of the furniture and wood processing industry under the auspices of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection
A. Khmel, head of a qualifications assessment centre
L. Prischenko, head of a training centre, Felix OOO
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
How does colour affect a person's sense of space?
Speaker: Elena Teplitskaya, designer, architect, artist, broadcaster; corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Department of Architecture and Design); member of the Union of Artists of Russia, developer of her own programme on decor and styles in interiors, TV presenter of the Bottomless Mezzanine and the Colourful Revolution
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Panel on designer - builder - furniture maker. Who's to blame and what to do
Sergey Galkin, head and founder of the Made by Ideal Art furniture manufacturing company
Inna Azorskaya, professional architect and designer, author of over 150 design projects that have been implemented in Russia and abroad, winner of international competitions including the Interior Design Awards London
Andrey Khrisanov, head of Foreman Ltd, repair management expert
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Furniture Retail Fest
12:00–13:30 Panel on changing consumer behaviour and digital technology for new retailers on tight budgets
14:00–15:30 Panel on D2C strategy for manufacturers and retailers: going directly to the customer, what is the difference between the strategies
Organised by FCProject, EXPOCENTRE AO
Storage systems: new technologies and rules for spaces of all sizes
Speaker: Nadezhda Lashku, interior designer, head of the Lashku design studio, member of the Moscow Union of Designers
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Conference on Furniture Business the Russian way. Unconventional Sales Growth Opportunities in the New Crisis 2023
11:10–11:30 Market analysis and forecasts
11:30–12:45 Marketing and know-how
12:45–13:05 Blitz interview with store owners: what is the sales situation now? What measures are helping? What is the anti-crisis plan?
13:05–13:40 Break
13:40–14:55 Trainings and education
14:55–15:40 Sales management
15:40–16:00 Blitz interview with store owners: what is the sales situation in wholesale now? What is the plan to support your turnover and sales of your customers (dealers)?
16:00–16:40 Personnel
16:40–16:55 Aggregators and marketplaces
16:55–17:15 Manufacturing
17:15–18:00 Strategic discussion with renowned owners in the furniture industry: global growth points or survival strategy? How do we see the market and what changes do we need to prepare for?
Organised by MIR (Furniture. Investments. Retail), EXPOCENTRE AO
Influence of light on the image of an interior. Practical workshop
Speaker: Konstantin Tsepelev, founder and CEO of BRIGHT BURO, professional lighting technician and lighting designer
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
The practice of preparing documents for expert examination to confirm the production of industrial products in the Russian Federation in accordance with Russian Government Decree No. 719 of 17.07.2015
Organised by Soyuzexpertiza ANO of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, EXPOCENTRE AO
RusMebel Forum 2022
Furniture market 2022-2023 through the eyes of consumers. Customer Journey in the context of change 2022–2023. What is changing in consumer behaviour and how furniture companies should respond
Organised by DEMIND, the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
Trends from international shows 2022: shapes, materials, colour
Speaker: Lina Knyazeva, interior designer, studio manager, participant in design internships in Italy, Germany and Macedonia, visitor to design exhibitions
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Choosing partners. Technology 2022
Speaker: Diana Balashova, interior designer, one of the top 10 best decorators in Russia according to ELLE Decoration (Russia), more than 15 years of experience in design, founder of a design bureau for private and public interiors, a regular participant in the Apartment Question TV show
Organised by Archdialog, EXPOCENTRE AO
Research on staff performance in the furniture industry
Organised by SteadyControl, EXPOCENTRE AO
Award ceremony of the Golden Cabriole National Award for Industrial Furniture Design
Organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia, EXPOCENTRE AO
17th International Competition of Soyuzexpertiza ANO of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Organised by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Soyuzexpertiza ANO of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, EXPOCENTRE AO
* The programme is subject to change
An event programme features a wide range of industry events that provide a unique business environment, an opportunity to join a professional audience and share an expert opinion.
Take advantage of the unique chance to make a speech before professional audience, share your expert opinion, and tell about the achievements of your company.
We kindly invite event organisers, exhibitors, and those wishing to take part in the business events to email your applications for participation.

Natalia Polikarpova
Business programme curator, GR manager
+7 (499) 795-29-61